Hai hai hoiii dan ak kembali di sini untuk ceritakan serba sedikit kisah hidup ini yang sekian lama menyepi..mesti la korang dah tahu sebabnya kenapa ak lama tak merajinkan diri mengUpdate ini blog huhuuhuu..so tanpa membuang masa lagi ak nak cerita serba sedikit apa yang ak dah buat sebelum berlangsungnya majlis perkahwinan abang ak yang tercinta ni ehehehe...
Firstly, disebabkan ak masa tu tengah busy nak final exam makanya ak tak tahu menahu sangat tentang persiapan majlis ni..family ak tak nak kacau ak sangat kot hmmmm...so apa boleh buat bila orang tak nak bagi tahu so ak pun malas nak ambil tahu ahhahahah...tak senonoh punya anak kan hahahah..tapi bila ak dah habis exam dan dah settle study so memang kena melibatkan diri dengan persiapan2 ni dan hasilnya...jeng jeng jeng
barang-barang jahitan ak |
Hah nampak tak apa benda nun di atas tu..ak menjadi tukang jahit tak bergaji okay sepanjang tempoh nak kenduri baru-baru ni..itu baru sedikit je barang jahitan ada lagi sebonarnya huhuhu..separuh kerja menjahit ak buat dan separuh lagi akak ak yang buat so fair and square la kan masing-masing memenatkan tangan menjahit hahahahha
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contoh bunga mawar |
Dan seterusnya mas kahwin yang digubah menjadi bunga mawar aka rose...compare dengan contoh gambar di atas yang ak dan akak ak buat lagi cantik lagi hahahah...wajib puji sendiri okay hehehehe
Amacam kisah ak..ada menarik tak? tak menarik buat-buat jela yerk lalalala...so nak tengok hasil kerja ak ni sila nantikan kemunculan gambar-gambar masa majlis sebelah pengantin perempuan okay...
adios amigos....daaaaaa
Hoyeahhh setelah lama menyendiri dari dunia kpop ni dan sekarang ak kembali lagi..kerajinan berKpop pun sebab nak tengok show Running man takpun layan drama Korea..makanya sekarang ni ak nak kembali berjoget dengan lagu-lagu diorang plak...banyak bebenor lagu baru album baru MV baru group baru yang keluar dan ak sendiri omaagadd banyaknya yang ak tak ambil peduli rupanya hehehe..dan yang latest bila Soshi aka SNSD datang Malaysia aka KLCC..
Gila kentang ak yang dulunya ratu Kpop ecehhhh hahaha boleh tak tahu menahu langsung pasal ni dan member ak yang bukannya raja Kpop plak yang lagi pakar daripada ak haahaahaa..raja pasal diorang tu laki derr dan komfem bebenor la kan diorang tahu dah itu yang datangnya group pompuan gargargargar...so nak layan diorang berjoget kat KLCC sila minta tolong sama pak google jela ya ahhaha...
Berbalik kepada post entry ak plak..apekehal curious mendanya..komfemla dah tadi ak kata nak berjoget Kpop kan so logikla tu hoohohohoo..ni salah satu chorus lagu jogetan ak sekarang dan memang joget sakan la ak ni sampai tak ingat dunia bumi kekeke..jom join ak joget jom
dah habis berjoget??? ada puas tak hahaha ^^d
ohhhooo JOnghyun the manly guy totally alike Jaejoong..why? his triceps lor hehehe pervert me
annyeong chinguya xoxo
Hai its me again after a long break hehehhe...just wanna share something that's totally give big impression to me..this young boy voice is totally awesome and because of the song he sing it gives a big meaning to me..the song lyric has a deep meaning and I hope you're thinking the same way as me..hopefully you'll be enjoying this song because I'll always keep repeating this with teary eyes..hehehe don't get me wrong okay
for the one that loves to sing here the lyrics so don't need to google it anymore hehehe
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Hai hai hai..lately so busy with the preparation for my bro weds..and at last Alhamdulillah its all settle but only for the bride's reception...so now currently busy for the groom's reception and that is of course my home sweet home..too much of work undone so what can I say "Please move faster la wani since your bro kenduri is coming in less than 2 weeks"...motivation for encouraging my own self hahahah..so that's all for today since it's already my time to sleep hohoohohoo and without further a dew here one picture on the "akad nikah" or we say solemnization day..just one okay and to see it more wait for the other chapter of it kekeke...
So how was it? nice and cool right the deco...love the lighting and its match with the "hantaran"..and guess what from this picture also you can imagine what was the theme for the groom's reception hehehe...Okay see ya again peeps...
Hai hai hai..it's me again hehhehe..sorry for the late update but I think no one are waiting isn't it..wuwuwuwu never mind I'll just keep updating yohohohoho...okay the post today, what is all about JB? Johor Bharu? no it's not that place...it's a person name and guess what...you must think of this person right
and the answer is ddaenggg!!! totally wrong hahahaha...as the whole world will think about this little kid but for me the KPOP freak will think of this adorable kid...and guess what he looks a bit like Henry from Super Junior and sometime can be seen as GD then Gikwang then Wooyoung..arghhh too many resembles but still love this kid tehehhehe