New Born In Our Family

8:09 PM

Hello there..
Such a long time with no update from me the not-so-busy person..What can I tell here is just a GOOD new for me and my family especially my parent and my big bro with his wife...hell yeah if you're still can't catch the meaning of this good news grrrrrrrrr...okay enough the nonsense talking and here come the one been talking about zasssssss.....

My name is Putri Zara Aleesya
Grandpa and Grandma  
The proud Dad hehehe
I'm so cute right heeeeee
Mak Ngah is here
I'm a shy baby
Mak Su is here ahhahah
The Muslim culture..shave the head after the umbilical cord falls off 
*mind my weird English hahahha

My hair all gone TT
Bubye for now...
See you next time or maybe next hour or next minute or next second 

~ XOXO ~

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5 bUdak gEtah

  1. comel sangat tue!!!hehe.. muka ayah awak..haha

  2. gle okwed...maksu pgg zara.hahahahah~

  3. K.Ojah: eh muka ayah..bkan muka ayah baby ni ke ehheh

    Sang Pencinta: sila jangan dengki okey hahaha..

  4. fiqkbe: habis kena tunggu rambut tumbuh balik huhu


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