UnfiniSh wOrk!!
1:01 PMtoday finish another one paper...fuhhh very difficult lor.."hentam keromo" what i can say hahahah...there's a lot more work to be finished...aishhhh
midterm --> DOM
Manu Auto
project --> DOM
Manu Auto
Auto skill
OMG..so many work to do liao...my head so pening pening
teramat pusing memikirkan bile semuanya kna submit dlm waktu yg terdekat nih...arghhhh naseb badannn...hai la badan hai la nyawa
pastu final exam is around plak tuh...sabor jela...dh nk final midterm x habis2 lagi...owhhh uia ekau memang buat edupku semakin serabot...
hopefully can finish all the work...
fighting waniey fighting!!!
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