Assalamualaikum Hello Aloha
Just spending the time after working hours to update something..
All my office mate already went home and me alone with fingertips typing the keyboard...
company keyboard ehehhehehe...
Just want to share what was my life for this 9 months in working environment..
Starting with one department for 1 month an a half then transfer to another department..
This one totally permanent as small boss there...okay just small not big lor heee..
Although the job scope here not as an engineer but still I'm still okay can trying to adapt with it..
Why not engineer since your studies all about it?
Here got no post as an engineer hahahaha
What a weird company right..I think it is because of this company is just a subsidiary company..
Therefore no need to get lots of worker and enough with the current one..
There goes what my company been called |
Dragonfly so cute mehh hahaha...suits with my zodiac a dragon woman okay not a kid anymore...
*baru nak sedar dah tua hahahhaha
So about the just google it secret lor..
kang tak pasal-pasal aku kena saman lalalala
Okay just a bit glance about the product hohoho
Nice anyone wanna join with me (^o^)/ |
And my department is all about this product..all of this will be export outside and where?
Its Japan uolls.....
Okay thats all for today post and In Sha Allah I will back again with a new topic
See you again cyber people...
Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi warga IT
Sekian lama diri ini menyepi tanpa sebarang nukilan di hati
Hari ini pagi ini aku ingin memulakan coretan baru untuk tahun 2014
Walaupun sedikit terlewat tapi aku nak ucapkan
Selamat Tahun Baru 2014
Happy New Year 2014
Sekian dahulu nukilan pagi ini
sebabnya curi-curi masa ketika kerja heee
Selamat bekerja semua o(^___^)o